Upgrade to No Maintenance TimberTech Trim!
- Eliminate Refinishing Every 2-3 Years
- More Weather Resistant
- Longer Lifespan
- Beautiful Color Options
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Upgrade My Trim
Durable GreenBeds add beauty to any outdoor space – from porches and concrete patios to grassy backyards and front yards. The wide trim not only serves as a functional element but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your garden. Explore endless design options by joining multiple GreenBed Kits together and we are happy to work with custom quotes Request My Custom Design.
Principales caractéristiques de tous les GreenBeds durables :
- Durabilité: Construit à partir d'un composite de copeaux de bois/béton non toxique 100% pour une longévité inégalée.
- Durabilité: Conçu pour durer 20 à 25 ans ou plus, réduisant ainsi le besoin de remplacements fréquents.
- Polyvalence: Convient à divers espaces extérieurs – des porches et terrasses aux pelouses et cours avant.
- Respirabilité : La conception à fond ouvert permet une profondeur de racine illimitée et favorise une croissance supérieure des racines.
- Assemblage facile : Installation rapide et facile avec un minimum d'outils requis pour l'assemblage. Le kit comprend tous les composants nécessaires pour un assemblage simple.
- Garniture de cèdre originale : Our cedar trim package offers a natural feel and exceptional durability to all our garden beds. It comes with three color variations – unfinished cedar, Weathered Gray and Garnet Red.
About Our 4’X8’X1′ Rectangle Raised Garden Bed Kit
This 4x8x1’ raised bed garden kit is one of the top sellers for good reason. It is reasonably priced, will last for 20-25 years and fits into many home garden layouts. At 13” high, these beds are taller than most other raised bed designs on the market. An open bottom allows for unlimited root depth. Our beds offer exceptional breathability bringing oxygen to the root zone that is proven to promote superior root growth and greater plant vigor.
- (6) Panneaux GreenBed
- (6) Supports d'angle et de menuiserie en aluminium
- Enjeux
- Attaches
- Pre-drilled Cedar Trim
Nos kits GreenBed durables sont fièrement fabriqués aux États-Unis, garantissant un savoir-faire de qualité et soutenant la fabrication locale.
Our kits set up easily in 1-3 hours (after site prep). You need: hammer, cordless drill (¼” nut driver & Phillips head), a level, ¼” socket wrench.
We are happy to work with any people, organizations and businesses that wish to pursue their gardening passions.
Download CAD files and product specification sheets for our Raised Garden Beds by visiting the Durable GreenBed CADdetails Profile.